How to get (almost) any information you want

Remote Viewing (RV) is a mental, resonance-based research technique based on findings from brain and perception research

Remote Viewing allows you to overcome your everyday programming and use your natural intuition and clairvoyance to obtain information about (almost) anything you want:

​For example, information about things, people, events, concepts, strategies, solutions and ideas that are outside yourself!

Use this new possibility to be self-informed, crisis-proof and future-proof by perceiving and integrating extended levels of information for yourself, your company, projects, products and services.

Or leave it to me and my experienced team to provide you with urgently needed key information.

Thomas Tankiewicz on television

My unique TV experiments & proofs

On German TV...

... between 1997 and 2000 I was able to provide several proofs of my abilities based on my very efficient way of application.

Use the access ...

... to deeper memory contents and a kind of “hyperintuition” privately, professionally, as an entrepreneur and for organizations of any size. I teach you or your team (department) this ability in my Remote Viewing trainings.

Ask me and my team ...

... to develop in the shortest possible time information, solutions, concepts and so on, urgently needed by you or your company.




Master the Art of Remote Viewing with My E-Learning Program

Discover how my exclusive Remote Viewing e-learning program can help you access information beyond the boundaries of your conscious mind. Gain clarity, solve complex problems, and unlock your hidden potential through this structured and proven training.

Proven Expertise: As a pioneer in Remote Viewing since 1996, I have crafted this e-learning program to deliver the highest standards in training, blending traditional Remote Viewing techniques with modern neuroscience insights.

Comprehensive Curriculum: Learn at your own pace with a structured program designed to guide you step by step.

Practical Focus: Develop skills you can directly apply to personal and professional challenges.

I enable you to use Remote Viewing practically right from the start ...

... through simplified templates that offer you an easy introduction. We start with “training wheels”, so to speak ;-) In the course of the training, we will remove these more and more and I will help you to use the method professionally, versatilely and “hands-free” across many different real areas of application. My co-trainers and supporters support me in this. Guests from the RV scene and graduates of my previous training courses will give you an insight into their RV work and RV projects.

In my trainings and courses, I explain the underlying theory of the Remote Viewing method and show you how to use it in your private and professional life and as an entrepreneur. Afterwards, you will be able to use Remote Viewing as a practical tool in everyday life whenever you need extended and deeper access to your brain.

Hire me for urgently needed information within a very short time.

Or take advantage of the new opportunity to order crisis-proof and future-proof information for which you need information, ideas, concepts, solutions, strategies, etc. Be it for you, your projects or your company.

I offer you the opportunity to quickly gain crisis-proof and future-proof insights – for yourself, your projects, or your company. Benefit from my extensive experience in human perception and hyper-intuition (RV) to get answers you won't find anywhere else.

For an assignment, we need a short briefing as a starting point. A detailed project description is not necessary. Simply describe the initial situation and the desired objective in a few keyword-like sentences.

​After your order, we deliver a tailored solution to your request within about 5 days.


Who is Thomas Tankiewicz?

I am Thomas Tankiewicz and the pioneer of innovative Remote Viewing trainings and projects in Europe.


After re-importing the method, which originally came from Europe, from America in 1996, I dedicate myself to the exploration of human consciousness and the future. To this end, I work with a network of organizations and like-minded people to develop innovative and practical solutions in the form of products and services.

One of my favorite techniques is “RV - Remote Viewing”, a mental, resonance-based research technique that I was the first provider of Remote Viewing services to bring to German-speaking countries. Between 1997 and 2000 I was already able to provide several proofs of my abilities on German TV, based on my very efficient way of application. I documented this way of working in 2002 in my movie “Rechercheexperten bei der Arbeit” ("Mental experts at work" - see video). I am constantly working on further developing my skills together with my team.

Use professionally & effectively

Private, professional & corporate

Accelerate yourself and your projects

With Remote Viewing, you can develop concepts and solutions that are more far-reaching and to the point. You can make your projects and developments more effective and speed them up considerably.

Scientifically sound

The method is based on a specific frequency pattern in the brain that suppresses analytical processes and enables a much deeper and more associative access to our brain - a kind of resonance-based “hyperintuition”.

Use my services like other satisfied customers to overcome uncertainties and successfully shape change

Offer & Services

Remote Viewing is a “universal vehicle of perception” that frees you from the road maps of your programming. With Remote Viewing you can associatively explore the vastness above you: How could you ..., what would it take to ..., what could have happened ..., how could this and that be optimized or solved ...


Start Your E-Learning Journey Today!

​Join my Remote Viewing e-learning program and take control of your intuitive and cognitive abilities. This is your opportunity to explore, learn, and apply groundbreaking techniques that will transform your approach to life and work.


Learn the secrets of remote viewing directly from the pioneer in Europe.

In my training I will explain the underlying theory of Remote Viewing and show you how to apply it in practice. Afterwards, you will be able to use Remote Viewing as a concrete tool in everyday life whenever you need extended and deeper access to your brain.

Immediate help

Use my effective idea development for your individual problem and save 80% time and effort compared to other solution approaches.

I develop the best possible solutions, concepts and ideas for you or your company - together with my team if necessary. And all within a few days.




With Thomas, I have a mental coach for clarity and structure at my side, with whose help I can explore and develop my project ideas effectively and purposefully. Thanks to the analysis and revision function of the method I can easily process and utilize the insights gained for myself and my project partners.


Initiator Wunderwerk Mensch
​(Wonderwork Human)

  • Verified User

For me, Remote Viewing, as Thomas teaches it, is a method for everyday life to quickly obtain information on general questions or more specific concepts! During the training, I was able to delve deep into the secrets of Remote Viewing, especially his practical template based approach.


Captain & Initiator WISSENSRäume

  • Verified User

With Thomas training, the method has become an integral part of my everyday life. Whether I'm working on projects, developing concepts for clients, or addressing health issues, the results are consistently actionable, helping me move forward quickly and with confidence.


Coaching & Consulting
​(Self development &health]

  • Verified User

Use this chance

Master Everything Remote Viewing with me


At Master Everything we are committed to helping individuals and professionals achieve excellence through advanced mental-tools, AI-Technology and Blockchain-Projects. Our mission is to provide you with the tools and knowledge necessary to excel in a changing world.

​To be your go-to resource for personal and professional growth, helping you master skills that matter.


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